Wednesday, 26 September 2012

# 21 knitting

As you'd expect I have had no problems ticking along with this one. The purpose was to knit 10 things from my Ravelry queue which weren't all hats. Here are some updates, and as you will see, they are not all hats.

Inspired by the colour scheme of these beautiful things I appear to be collecting...

... comes a hat with natural shades of brown and brown and more brown. And a bit o beige.

I say that as if I designed it to match the tins, which of course I didn't, having used a lovely Jared Flood pattern. This one is also a hat:

And this one appears to be too:

spidey hat blocking3

I made this one up when someone posted a picture of Emma Stone from the newest spider man movie wearing something awfully similar. But hooray, this isn't a hat:


Ravelry details of the cardy are here. And finally, my favourite of all. This is a hat, designed by me, for someone else, from the books about The Gruffalo

2012 5:18 PM

it's Jude... and she's doing stuff

I had to revisit the list to check how many things I had incidentally, or accidentally done without letting anyone know how chuffed I was about them. So here's a few wee updates:

no. 33 organise my craft stuff and work space

Well hey I've done this. It actually took oodles of time because stage one of the project involved getting rid of an enormous number of books to free up space in the dining room, where my craft nook now sits. Ah yes, I sigh for the days when I had a whole craft room to myself. Clearly that was before it became Martha's bedroom. Now it's a nook. We gave at least 10 boxes of books to rotary. I used some nifty boxes with lids we were collecting by getting fruit and veg delivered. Actually that should be the other way around, shouldn't it? The purpose of the deliveries was produce, the box collection was incidental.

In short, I collected boxes. Freed up space on bookshelves. Put things in boxes. I considered taking a picture, but honestly, who apart from me is very interested in crafty things having their own proper space? Suffice to say they have it. I even dusted!

no. 15 go wine tasting with Dave where neither of us has to drive

It was a while ago now so it slips my mind whether Dave actually did drive or not. But I certainly got to taste. We went to a few nice places in the Barossa with my brother Hugh and sister-in-law Kim while they visited over Christmas. I know... I'm updating 9 months later. Shameful, isn't it.

Still, even if Dave did drive that time, we have another venture planned. We are hoping to spend our 15th anniversary in McLaren Vale and I've heard a rumour there are a few wineries somewhere in that vicinity. I shall report back.

no. 39 go to Gold Class cinema with Dave.

Hullo hullo. Young Dave seems to be benefiting a bit from this activity, doesn't he? Thanks to a lovely birthday present voucher from my sister Marg we took in a show at Marion, a low budget little pic from a favourite autor, Joss Whedon, called The Avengers. You may have heard it did ok. Given I didn't pay for the tickets I felt perfectly justified laying down some hard earned dosh for gourmet nibbles, choccie dessert (which I believe was actually compulsory given they make them with Lindt) and a few glasses of this and that. I certainly could get used to the reclining chairs and the people bringing me tasty morsels. Pity Marion was such a hike but well worth the trip. A lovely outing had by all.

no. 7 run city bay faster than last time.

Err, no. Training going quite well. I now run regularly and even enjoy it! Then fell gracelessly during my last 10k training run and bunged up my knee. Boo. I shall be trying again next year. Stay tuned.

And to wrap it all up with a jaunty musical number...

no. 18 try out playing a banjo.

Err, no to that too. But I feel a step closer as I bought a beginner's mandolin. Can't say I can play it yet, but baby steps. Have learnt some scales and three chords. And perhaps sometime in the not too distant future I shall start practicing again. Why this should be progress towards learning a banjo is anyone's guess but I feel I should mention it.

Friday, 14 September 2012

get down with your funky self

Someone asked what on earth I would make with a knitting machine. Perhaps they did not realise that these were at their zenith in the 1970s.

I rest my case.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

back again

Blimey. It has been a while. Haven't blogged since I've been back at work. There has been activity at 40things central. Some progress has been list-related, and other activities have taken me off on tangents. Must do some catch up posting. In the meantime, here is a little something that has been making me smile:

It's a pre-punch card model. Luckily there are instructions, albeit with some amusing translations. Have been able to cast on and knit a sample. Still no idea how all those buttons on the top function though. Waiting for a replacement spongebar and then I'll be getting stuck back in. Of course, because this cost me all of $10 at the op shop I have easily spent many times this getting a few supplies!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

rise and demise of Pinata man #26

A few things I've forgotten to blog about. At Xmas, there was Pinata man, #26. Much fun. What I enjoyed the most was the kids' reactions. Most adults wanted to know things like: why? what was the occasion? how long did it take to make? The kids didn't care. They said, "You want us to what? With what? Righty'o then." Then smashed away. It fits with the spirit of the 40 list, I feel. Also with the spirit of crafting, where the fun of the process can be more important than the product. Forgot how much fun paper mache is! Messy, but fun.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


We are celebrating having lived in our house for 5 years. Naturally, there is champagne, and food shaped like houses.

I was trying to think of a way of explaining to Elliot why we were having a celebration without a cake, then realised there was actually no good reason not to make one. So one house-shaped cake is now cooling down, awaiting decoration. 'cause you can't have too much Betty Crocker chocolate frosting, I say.